lifestyle | 行为之道




这段冥想的简单练习截取自泰勒·本-沙哈尔博士 (TalBen-Shahar,Ph.D.)的《哈佛大学开放课程:幸福课》(Harvard Open Course : Positive Psychology) 第四节。


What I want to do now is an exercise. I want to do a group meditation. Trying to understand, not just on the cognitive level of the research, but also to experience on the visceral emotional level, what it really means to give ourselves the permission to be human.

Those of you who don't feel comfortable doing it, you don't have to do it.

Those who feel comfortable to do it, do it. If it's a stretch for you, I still recommend that you do it. If you never meditate before, this is a wonderful opportunity to do it for the first time.

One thing I do ask you: If you are not doing it, if you don't participate, simply just keep quiet.

But other than that, I really do recommend that you join us. What I want to do together now is enter the realm of unconditional acceptance. Senior seat, just sit up straight as much as possible.

If  possible,   your back relaxing against the back rest. Plant your feet comfortably on the floor.

If you feel comfortable, close your eyes. Shift the focus of your breath. Shift the focus of your thoughts to your breathing. Take a deep breath in all the way down to your belly. And then breathe out.

Again, deep breath in; slow, gentle, quiet breath out. Repeat that in silence. If your mind wanders, simply bring it back to your breathing. Deep, slow inhalation. Deep, slow, gentle, quiet exhalation.

Most of us don't breathe deeply enough. We don't take the time to celebrate our breath, our spirit, our being. The connection, the link, the bridge between our mind and our body;between our emotions and our thoughts; between the brain and the heart.

Continue with the deep breathing. As you continue with the deep breath, shift your focus to your emotions, to your feelings. How are you doing? How are you feeling? Take attention to your emotions. Whatever they are, whatever it is that your feeling, allow it to float through you. Naturally.

Just  experience your emotion whatever it is. You may feel one emotion at one moment, different emotion the next. That's Ok.

Whatever it is, accept it. Experience it. Give yourself the permission to be human. It's all OK.Just breath.

Continue to observe and experience whatever emotion comes up, whether it's calm or happiness, whether it's anxiety, confusion, boredom or joy.

Whatever it is, continue to breathe deeply into your belly. And gently, slowly, quietly exhale. Let the emotion flow just like the breath.

As you continue breathing deeply, in your mind's eye, see yourself walking out of this classroom today, walking in the yard, with the feeling that all your feelings are real fine part of human nature.

They just are. Neither good nor bad. As you walk amid the buildings and trees, as you see your friends and classmates, allow these emotions to float through you, freely, lightly.

By experiencing these emotions, whether the ups and the downs, what you are doing is being, being a human being. Continue to allow the breath and the emotions to just flow. To just be.

What if you truly gave yourself the permission to be human? What if you are giving yourself the permission to be human? Just imagine. Life becomes so much lighter. So much simpler.

When, rather than trying to fight or defeat our nature, we accept it. We accept who we are.   We accept whatever emotion comes up.

Deep, slow inhalation. Slow, gentle, quiet, calm exhalation.

Take a few deep breaths in silence. Embrace the silence, the stillness. Embrace yourself, your emotions.

And on your next  exhalation-- deep, slow,   quiet exhalation, open your eyes.  If the person next   to you is asleep, gently wake him or her up.

Just imagine Just imagine the kind of life that you can experience -- Sh-- the kind of life you can lead, if you truly, genuinely, really gave yourself the permission to be human.

It's one of the pillars of healthy life, psychologically, physiologically.

So try it. Everyday remind yourself just once or twice to give yourself the permission to be human.  And give others that same permission. You deserve it.




本文由 米拉之落 创作,采用 知识共享署名4.0 国际许可协议进行许可

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